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Tarot is an immersive and interactive theatrical experience where single audience members are taken through a journey of one on one performances based on specific tarot cards.
Agnese, building off of The Hierophant tarot card, created a silent ritual based experience drawing upon themes of isolation/connection, guidance, and reflection.
The Motley Bauhaus, 2023
Director and Curator David Harris
Creators and Performers Agnese Perri, Maddi Formosa, Daphne Papadopoulous, Jett Chudleigh, Maxine Palmerson, Sophia Derkenne, Jess Lu, Iris Osprey, Brooke Alabastair, Ivy Crago, Lauren Swain, Niamh Nobel, William Klarenbeek, Sienna Muscat
Dramaturg Fraser Shepherdson
Dramaturg Molly Mechen
Scent Designer Burju Kocoglu
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